Online Chair Yoga Classes

Begin your journey to better health now. Online Chair Yogis classes are delivered via Zoom and can be taken from the comfort of your own chair. There is no need to commute, worry about how flexible you are, or what you are wearing!

As with most exercise, it’s good to join with a friend, so make a date to meet regularly in class via Zoom or meet at a friend’s house and do the class together.

What do I need?

  • A sturdy chair or bench, ideally without arms (a folding chair works well)
  • A computer/tablet or phone
  • An internet connection
  • The zoom app (We can send instructions to help you get connected, and can also help via phone if necessary)
  • Comfortable clothes
  • A smile on your face

To give our students the best experience possible, before your first class, we ask you to complete a new student registration and then have a short zoom call so we can get to know you, your goals and any concerns or constraints you may have. This helps us to develop classes that address your goals and offer variations appropriate for you. We can also ensure that the technology is working correctly and give you a few tips on zoom if you are new to the platform.

Livestream Class Timetable

– Monday 4:45 – 5:45pm

– Wednesday 9:15 – 10:15am