Aged Care

Chair Yogis offers classes for Aged Care residences tailored to your residents’ capabilities. No matter their mobility level, (unassisted, walker or a wheelchair) our classes offer options to suit varying capabilities and are a great way to connect with others while building strength and flexibility.

We often include some Chair Dancing to energise the group and bring a smile to everyone’s face. Where appropriate we also include balance poses to improve balance and stability. In addition, relaxation and breath work help to reduce stress and promote peace of mind. Over time, consistent participation can bring positive changes such as making daily activities easier (eg. getting up from a chair), better balance, and a more positive mental attitude.

Each class is composed of three key elements and can be tailored to your residents' needs and interests:

chair yoga classes chair yogis


Includes stretching, strengthening and balance poses on or around a chair. Relieves muscle tension while also improving stability, mobility and independence for everyday life. Variations allow participants to choose their level.
chair yoga classes chair yogis


Increase oxygen in the brain and body helping to build vitality, reduce stress and blood pressure, improve sleep, lung function and elevate mood and become more self-aware.
chair yoga classes chair yogis

Guided Meditation

Helps to calm and clear the mind, improve attention span, mental clarity and focus and can assist with pain management